Legal translation

Speak the language of law. Or at least let us help you understand it when it's in a different language.

Our certified legal translations are an easy and cost effective way to translating important legal documents.

Easy to buy. Add to cart and a representative will provide an immediate quote and 'buy now' link.

Speak the language of law. Or at least let us help you understand it when it's in a different language.

Our certified legal translations are an easy and cost effective way to translating important legal documents.

Easy to buy. Add to cart and a representative will provide an immediate quote and 'buy now' link.

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    Legal Translation


    Certified Legal Translations

    Upload your document.  We will send you a price quote & 'Buy Now' link 

    We can process any document.

    It almost goes without saying. Legal translations require precision and accuracy.  There can be a lot riding on legal documentation so great care is required in their translation.  We can provide CERTIFIED LEGAL TRANSLATIONS or a RAPID DISCOVERY Option for large volumes that require quick-turnaround.  

    Below are the key features of this service


    We can translated ANY legal document you need translated.  Whether it is a Contract, Agreement, Deposition, Transcript or Certificant, we will translate it.  

    Upload it here!  We will get back to you with quote and 'Buy Now' link for your convenience.

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    We carry EN 17100 & ISO 9001 ELIA Certifications.  This is the European standard that assures quality and accuracy in our Legal Translations.

    You can feel confident that your important legal documents are being translated with precision and the greatest care.

    Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns


    Legal Translation is more than just word-for-word conversion from one language to another.  Every country has its own nuance, protocols and structure.

    Our Legal Translators are specially trained to only do Legal Translations.  They are well versed in the context and purpose of the word of law.